So I leave for Malawi in two weeks... it's actually happening. I've booked my flight to Heathrow, my floor is covered with bags of clothes, first aid kits and sun cream, and there are yoghurts in the fridge that I won't be here to see go out of date. I had a sad realisation this week when I finished the peanut butter, but decided there was no point buying anymore because I wouldn't be here to eat it. :(
God, I hope I can buy peanut butter in Blantyre.
I hope to keep this blog fairly up to date with how my life is going over the next 12 months. I have no idea whether this will actually happen, but I will try my hardest to remember... XD
WELL, that's all I have to say right now. Watch this space for the most erratic gap year blog that ever existed.